Grape sized and also called the branching coral because they have tentacles that reach out to capture food at night. Their spines elongate when a new polyp develops, a budding method quite rare for corals, even the soft corals.  Scientific name Plerogyra sinuosa, this jelly like species is near threatened according to International Union for Conservation of Nature.

I found this beauty near Twin Rocks in Anilao Batangas under a little rock. Her stinging long tentacles hidden because they are retracted during the day, I did my dive at noon. They sting their neighboring corals which is why they need at least 6 social distance.

It is considered an Evolutionarily Distinct and Globally Endangered Species or EDGE.  Haribon Foundation https://haribon.org.ph/ has been studying our local Bubble Corals and conservationists like Reef Check Philippines are just a few Conservationists assisting in keeping our Philippine Corals alive and flourishing.