Who is the largest organism in the planet…Answer: The Great Barrier reef of Australia, it houses hundreds of coral species most specially the TABLE CORAL that is key to reef construction.

The table coral, without which fishes would leave. They provide shelter, food….jobs….just like any city provides. They are reef builders that produces calcium carbonate the foundation of coral reef. These eco system engineers, are regenerating The Great barrier reef than any other corals.

These animals relies on zooxanthellae exactly like the anemones. Their porous branch or stem called  Acropora branches out like a flattened bush in a landscaped garden, hence their name. It is likened to a table, a shape very essential to Photosynthesis and its mutualistic relationship with zooxanthellae, the algae that provides the primary source of food for the table corals.

Their shape is also the reason why they are the miracle builder in the Great Barrier Reef who is facing an almost apocalyptic battles against climate change.  Their flat shape allows faster Photosynthetic results, because the polyps are easily accessible to the sun. Studies spearheaded by Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS) along with Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, The University of Queensland and the Nature Conservancy shows have learned that table coral has recolonized damaged reefs in seven years, that which takes 32 without the table coral’s flat cover.

But since they thrive in shallow warm water,  our very first sun worshippers are now also in danger because of coral bleaching. It is when they expel their main source of food, the zooxanthellae, because water is too warm. A clear sign is the bleach color, white. They are also more prone to destruction due to Boat Anchors. Something Puerto Princesa Tour Guides have made sure to be mindful of especially boat operators who are now more educated, appreciative and dedicated in coral reefs conservation.

Back in the Day, Anilao for me was a desert. Coral reef damage was extensive and fishes scarce, though of course we can all thought back in the day will always be better, you can really see now the difference of education and regulations and Coral Reef Security. Anilao, the closes dive destination of Metro Manila has now bloomed, corals regenerated and fishes returned, there are now ageing marine life like sea turtles, a good sign, a blessed sign. They are thriving in what was once barren to almost dying.

Ever so hopeful, we want to see an abundance of more marine creatures, dolphins and whale sharks, more rays and more reef sharks like before. Endemic to our beloved Philippines, clearly their Home too. There is hope and there will always be us who will continue what we were taught to do, still a slow progression, as slow as 7 years like the Table coral’s fight. Great Barrier, Anilao, Manila Bay, Philippine Shorelines, our whole Planet, Chasing Corals will eventually be a myth.


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