This cute coral fishes are the brown tang fishes Zebrasoma Scopas, scopas tang, brush tail tang. They have protruding snouts that nibbles on algae, filaments of filaments of it with their pharyngeal teeth like goldfishes. Their snouts grows up to 16 inches from their whitish head their body is predominantly pale brown shading that grades to brownish black near their tail fins, some have green longitudinal lines that begin with dots from their head that sporadically goes dotted all over.

They are solitary when young but sometimes form schools as they grow older.Monogamous by nature, they tend to switch partners but in their small group. Their eggs are scattered in the water column, planktonic looking before becoming juveniles. The male is oftentimes bigger. Juveniles have paler and yellowish speckles to their anterior end with larger dorsal fins. Adults have white spines with large dorsal fins and up to 25 soft rays.

From the Acanthuridae family like surgeon fishes and unicorn fishes. They are fairly friendly, will not disrupt other fishes much like your social neighbor that hands out rice cakes or baked goodies to new friends. They oftentimes travel in groups, a great defense from those lesser sized territorial damsel fishes. 

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